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Genealogy Lectures from Poland - Lecture 1

12:00 PM-Aleksandra Kacprzak: The Family Detective Online
As the Family Detective you have explored Grandma’s old trunks in the attic and listened to Grandpa’s stories. Now you are ready to explore the internet. The sheer volume of Polish genealogy websites is overwhelming and not all will be useful to you. Some websites are general and cover all of Poland, others are specific to each partition. There are websites created by both archives and genealogical associations. This course will review the websites to guide you to the ones most useful for your research with a focus on new websites and research tricks.

1:15 PM-Tadeusz Pilat: The Polish Census-Then and Now
In Poland, as in the United States, there are census records that can add to your genealogical research. Where can you find these records and what information do they have? This lecture will cover the census records in the three Polish partitions along with the census records in post-World War II Poland.

Visit the lecture series webpage for more information -