Pisanki Class
10:00 AM10:00

Pisanki Class

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12:00 PM12:00

Genealogy Lectures from Poland - Lecture 6

12:00 PM-Lucjan Cichocki: Poles and Ruthenians in South-Eastern Poland and Western Ukraine
This lecture will cover the history of the Poles and Ruthenians who lived in south-eastern Poland and western Ukraine and what led to the Ruthenians being wiped out of the area where they lived for centuries. The lecture will also look at the genealogical records for these people.

1:15 PM-Aleksandra Kacprzak: two 30-minute lectures: (1) Cemeteries-A History and Online Resources (2) Polish Traditions and Superstitions
Cemeteries in Poland: Polish cemeteries - as everywhere, are full of history and memories, dignity and reverie. Beautiful marble tombstones sit next to plain wooden crosses. As genealogists, we dream of finding the final resting place of our relatives. There are several internet sites for Polish cemeteries. We will learn how to use them to find the final resting place for our families. Polish customs and superstitions: When our ancestors came to America they brought with them their traditions, customs and superstitions. Some of them are still part of our traditions today but others have faded from our memory. We will learn about some of these forgotten traditions, customs and superstitions such as why grandma made a sign of the cross over the loaf of bread, how to protect the baby from evil spells, and the reason for common first names and more.

Visit the lecture series webpage for more information - https://www.paf-welcomehome.org/2021-genealogy-lecture-series

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12:00 PM12:00

Genealogy Lectures from Poland - Lecture 5

12:00 PM-Tadeusz Pilat: German Partition-Additional Sources
Vital records give your genealogical research facts, non-vital records give your genealogical research flavor. Our ancestors were much more than birth, death and marriage dates. This lecture will look at additional types of records available in the German partition such as Notary, Census and Property records.

1:15 PM-Lucjan Cichocki: Austrian Cadastral Records Between late 1700s and mid 1800s
Lucky for us, before there was GPS there were maps. This lecture will cover the history and use of the cadastral maps and records in Galicia. It will also cover how you can use the maps to locate your family’s plot of land

Visit the lecture series webpage for more information - https://www.paf-welcomehome.org/2021-genealogy-lecture-series

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12:00 PM12:00

Genealogy Lectures from Poland - Lecture 4

February 27, 2021 12:00 PM-Marta Czerwieniec: Genealogy Research in Ukraine
This lecture is an introduction to genealogy research in Ukraine.

1:15 PM-Piotr Nojszewski: Nobility in the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth-the Rich and the Poor
This lecture will cover the specifics of Polish and Lithuanian szlachta and the sources and documents available for researching this topic. It will cover what it means to be nobility and the coat of arms system. It will also cover online resources and relevant archive holding. It will also answer the question-is everyone with a name ending in “ski” nobility?

Visit the lecture series webpage for more information - https://www.paf-welcomehome.org/2021-genealogy-lecture-series

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12:00 PM12:00

Genealogy Lectures from Poland - Lecture 3

12:00 PM-Piotr Nojszewski: Poles who served in Foreign Armies
This lecture will cover how and where to search for your ancestors who served in the Russian, Prussian and Austrian armies. We will cover the many resources such as draft and casualty list. It will also cover the websites for online research and archive locations.

1:15 PM-Tadeusz Pilat: No Vital Records? No Problem
You have just discovered there are no surviving vital records for your area of Poland. Do you give up? The answer is no. This lecture will show you what other types of records might be available. The lecture will use the “hopeless” Kadzidło/Myszyniec area as an example why you should never give up. The lecture will also discuss the Confraternity records of the Society of Saint Joseph in the Silesian area of Poland. They are a treasure trove of information for genealogists

Visit the lecture series webpage for more information - https://www.paf-welcomehome.org/2021-genealogy-lecture-series

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12:00 PM12:00

Genealogy Lectures from Poland - Lecture 2

12:00 PM-Marta Czerwieniec: Belarussian Research
This lecture is an introduction to genealogy research in Belarus.

1:15 PM-Michał Jan Marciniak: Finding Your Family History with Land and Mortgage Records in the Kingdom of Poland
This lecture introduces us to the “Ksiegi Hipoteczne”-the land and mortgage registers from the Kingdom of Poland while under Russian rule, 1818 until the 1940s. They contain true treasures for genealogists such as property records and information on the property owner, vital data, wills, land contracts. These are an overlooked genealogical resource.

Visit the lecture series webpage for more information - https://www.paf-welcomehome.org/2021-genealogy-lecture-series

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12:00 PM12:00

Genealogy Lectures from Poland - Lecture 1

12:00 PM-Aleksandra Kacprzak: The Family Detective Online
As the Family Detective you have explored Grandma’s old trunks in the attic and listened to Grandpa’s stories. Now you are ready to explore the internet. The sheer volume of Polish genealogy websites is overwhelming and not all will be useful to you. Some websites are general and cover all of Poland, others are specific to each partition. There are websites created by both archives and genealogical associations. This course will review the websites to guide you to the ones most useful for your research with a focus on new websites and research tricks.

1:15 PM-Tadeusz Pilat: The Polish Census-Then and Now
In Poland, as in the United States, there are census records that can add to your genealogical research. Where can you find these records and what information do they have? This lecture will cover the census records in the three Polish partitions along with the census records in post-World War II Poland.

Visit the lecture series webpage for more information - https://www.paf-welcomehome.org/2021-genealogy-lecture-series

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12:00 PM12:00

Polish Folk Art Christmas Ornaments Class

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Start a new Polish Christmas tradition in your home in 2020.  Join us for a ZOOM class to learn how to make a traditional Polish Folk-Art star ornament.  It is easy to do and uses items you already have at home.  We will announce the date and time in November. 

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